Feb. 2, 2021

Pandemic fears are killing what makes life worth living

The lockdowns provoked by the response to the coronavirus epidemic show little sign of letting up. “Two weeks to slow the spread” and “15 days to flatten the curve” were lies when they were spoken. They quickly morphed into months.
Meanwhile, the media has been content to mourn the mounting COVID death toll. Almost everything that has happened this past year, it seems, was blamed on the virus.
The thoroughly dishonest mainstream media, which functions as the propaganda wing of the Liberal Party, bears the brunt of the blame for the devastation caused by the destructive overreaction to COVID.
Through its constant fear-mongering, the media has transformed a relatively normal influenza epidemic into an all-purpose bogeyman to instill terror into those willing to trade everything that makes us joyfully human for the imaginary security of a slave’s chains.
The current virus death count, generously defined as the death of anyone who died having tested positive before death, stands at roughly 20,100, or 0.053% of our estimated population of 38 million. Using “cases” (the new benchmark), there have been 784,000 cases in Canada, which is 2.1% of our population and of that number, 2.6% have died. The media ignores the 712,000 people who have recovered.
Music, art, dance, theatre, and motion pictures are closer to death than the obese 85-year-old with comorbidities who make up a significant share of deaths directly attributed to COVID. Public gatherings are forbidden except for Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Indigenous protests.  
Other victims are the hospitality sector, hotels, restaurants, and bars, which have long been the targets of climate change lunatics. Our churches and synagogues, which militant atheists have long wished to shutter, are closed and shuttered.
Our entire public life, the things that make life worth living, has been shut down, ruined, or put out of business. If everything reopens, it will be under the conditions of the “new normal,” which means that governments will never, ever, ever allow us freedoms and rights again.
Worst of all, affecting our humanity’s essence is the notion of “social distancing,” which has cruelly separated both individuals and generations. For centuries we have regarded the forced separation of families with horror.  Instructing people to consider their fellow human beings as virus-infected nightmares who can kill them is reprehensible. Hollywood could not script a better zombie movie.
Children have learned the most useful lesson the ruling class behind these monstrous policies could hope for: fear, obedience, and submission. 
Has it been worth it? By any unemotional and rational consideration, the answer is no.
This seems a cruel question, to which a cruel trade-off must be the answer. Societies have been making that choice since the beginning of history. After a year of COVID, during which we have surrendered our civil liberties and our way of life to a handful of intellectually mediocre and morally bereft bureaucrats, most unelected, what have we got to show for it?
We are living under house arrest while COVID case counts continue to rise without pause.
That is the result of an irresponsible nation with a vaguely defined future, as governments are making it up as they go. When governments seek renewal from the arrival of COVID vaccines to save their political careers, we know it is because their virus containment efforts have failed.
Governments have to justify their actions and demonstrate why they must continue to suppress our constitutional and democratic freedoms and rights. They have not contained COVID, so their warnings that lifting restrictions will result in massive increases in infections are not credible. Governments have spent a full year lying to us, suppressing information and fear-mongering.
We really need to find out what happened to this:

Planning Guidance for the Health Sector

There is little need for a Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department if we are caught flat-footed, unprepared and gaping like guppies when an influenza outbreak occurs. The purpose of the above plan was: 

First, to minimize serious illness and overall deaths, and second to minimize societal disruption among Canadians as a result of an influenza pandemic. 

We had elaborate plans in place and tossed them in the waste bin. We must know why.