May. 4, 2021

Three things in pandemic show Canadian governments' incompetence

Dr. Hoffe of Lytton, BC has at least eight patients who have contracted some sort of neurological condition after all of them had taken the Moderna vaccine. Dr. Hoffe has asked for these patients to be examined by a specialist, but to this date no one has seen these patients. All Governments in Canada have invoked emergency legislation. One would think this situation fits under such an emergency especially since it concerns the pandemic, the very thing for which the emergencies have been invoked. 

Of course, there is the Canada Health Act which says in Section 3 

“3 It is hereby declared that the primary objective of Canadian health care policy is to protect, promote and restore the physical and mental well-being of residents of Canada and to facilitate reasonable access to health services without financial or other barriers.”

Then there is the matter of the Constitution, Charter of Rights and Freedoms section 7:

“7 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.”

I never thought I would see the day where a qualified family doctor requests that his sick patients be seen by a specialist and that to be denied, and in this case in the middle of a Pandemic where one of the remedies for the pandemic, a vaccine is under suspicion for possibly causing the patients’ illness. 

Who would have thought that a Canadian Government would act this way? 

B. A group of Ontario medical experts wrote the Ontario Government about its response to the pandemic asking for an open debate on at least seven questions:

What are the actual dangers of SARS-CoV-2 by age group and steps taken to protect those in long-term care and the most vulnerable, age 60 and older with co-morbidities?

What is the rationale for the current vaccine roll-out and alteration to the manufacturers’ recommended vaccination protocols?

What controls are in place to limit the number of cycles used in performing PCR tests to 30 cycles to avoid undue false positives inflating the cases reported?

Identification and review of supporting science and corresponding data that led the province to their conclusions that the approach in use was, and is, appropriate, and not worth revision as the crisis evolved over the past 12+ months.

How effective are stringent population-wide restrictions (lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates, and stay at home orders) at controlling the pandemic and are they the best response given the collateral damage?

Why have early multidrug treatment measures, proven to be highly effective and including but not limited to ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, doxycycline, azithromycin and other compounds used routinely in other countries, not being employed to save lives in Ontario, an action that would virtually eliminate the perceived need for lockdowns, school closures, masking among other things.

What are the priorities in the management of the pandemic and how can we shift the response from fear to confidence?

No answer to that April 19 letter has been forthcoming. 

Who would have thought that serious concerns by experts in the operation of a response to a pandemic would be ignored by a Canadian Government? 

C. The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is defending a Pastor from Alberta Government measures that it says violates the Constitution. The Court has ruled that the case will be heard for four days beginning May 3 However, the Alberta Government does not have to prove then the constitutionality of its actions.

Note the Centre’s comments 

‘The trial will proceed for up to four days initially, but will then be adjourned because government lawyers are not yet prepared to present any medical or scientific evidence that might support the health orders under which Pastor Coates is charged. Pastor Coates’ Charter challenge to the constitutionality and legality of Dr. Deena Hinshaw’s lockdown restrictions will be heard by the Court at an unknown later date.’

Can you believe this?? 

The Centre’s says:

“By May 3, the government will have had almost fourteen months to assemble proper medical and scientific evidence to justify lockdowns and the resulting violations of our fundamental Charter freedoms. Yet the government cannot or will not put that evidence before the courts. But, somehow, the Alberta government would have us believe that it has enough medical and scientific evidence to shut down hundreds of small businesses, pushing many of them into bankruptcy, and to cancel over 20,000 medically necessary surgeries, and to force Albertans into a third lockdown as of yesterday, with its resulting harms of unemployment, poverty and despair,”

Who would have thought that a Canadian Government would act this way, withholding scientific information that they already possess and that a Court would agree to this Government action? 

These things are facts, happening right now in a so-called democratic Canada.