Dec. 21, 2023

Seasons best to you all

I have had a rough fall. I developed a problem with my throat (esophagus) just after Thanksgiving and it has taken an overly long time to heal.

In addition, my ancient computer packed it in and I have had problems resurrecting it as it contains data I need to transfer to the replacement unit.

Finally, one son is in intensive care with life-threatening problems.
That explains my recent absence from regular e-mails.

I keep reminding myself about how fortunate I am. The rest of my family is healthy and thriving. I have sufficient income to survive and am in reasonably good health for an 84-year-old. My specialist has me scheduled for a procedure to repair my esophagus on January 2, so I look forward to that.

We are fortunate that in Canada we have a constitutional right to practice the religion of our choice, even if that is no religion. Author and philosopher Ayn Rand said it best: "The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities."

It is tiresome and inappropriate for individuals who live in a Christian or Jewish community to claim they are offended by their Yuletide celebrations. They have a right to express their opinions, and we have an equal right to ignore them. We are silencing intelligent people to avoid offending fools and that must cease.

Whatever your personal religious belief, celebrate this Yuletide loudly and proudly. In my studies of various religions, it is amazing how similar the basic tenets are. The exception is radical Islamists. Many Muslim nations reject Sharia law and live peacefully with their neighbors.

I am determined to get back to my routine in January and provide you with some thought-provoking views again. In a world that seems less sane with each passing month, I am not short of material. I believe we are approaching a crisis in the credibility of our governments and institutions.  I also believe that the voices of ordinary people will prevail and resurrect civility, decency, democracy, and the rule of fair and impartial law.

We have spent far too long in a wilderness where vested interests and governments try to rule and subjugate us while criminals are treated with kid gloves and their law-abiding victims are ignored.

During this Yuletide let us remember that the poorest people in the world are not those living in poverty, but those who live in tyrannies and have been stripped of hope for a better future. Intone a prayer for them and do what you must to avoid joining them.

A Merry and Peaceful Christmas to you and yours. I wish you a New Year with many improvements over the past three.