Nov. 22, 2022

The Public Order Emergency Inquiry is a flawed process

Emergency inquiry play, all those bureaucrats obfuscate, confuse, giving the leaders the ammunition they need/ So Canadians, you get the picture, it’s a big charade.

The Government is investigating itself. Setting the terms of reference, appointing the Commissioner who appoints everyone else and determines the witnesses. Pretty cozy, right?  

And how it is all orchestrated. Leave the spin to the last days. The final week. The Play unfolds. Who leads off?  Well none other that our spy chief – whose skill at elasticity. Well he’s a spy chief and they’re good at evasion, manipulation – real slick spy stuff.

So he recommends to the PM /Cabinet that while the definition under his act says one thing, conditions not met to invoke the Act, he goes ahead and recommends that the Emergency Act be invoked because he enlarged the definition!

Got that!

The Epoch Times reporter Noe Chartier reports the spy chief said:

“That opinion was provided, if you want, as a national security advisor, as opposed to the director of CSIS specifically.” How generous of him.

See the picture – beginning really last Friday with the bureaucrats at the Privy Council Office who strained to make the argument of this larger emergency, security definition foreshowing what the spy chief would say.

And are these bureaucrats at the PCO experts in Emergency conditions? Of course not. 

So what have you got?

The Commissioner of RCMP,, who has not had a stellar few months what with the Nova Scotia killings tragedy and the force’s performance therein.  

Privy Council bureaucrats – spin masters, policy advisors, and co-ordinators. Really not emergency experts.

A Spy Chief who decides he must enlarge his job description. And was smart enough to get an opinion from the conflicted government’s legal advisors, the Department of Justice, that a broader definition was legal. 

So the PM/Cabinet have fertile ground to explain their way out of this fiasco – and we haven’t even mentioned the Prime Minister’s Office or the scores of other departmental people and aides, consultants, pollsters, scurrying around to enhance the notion of this fake “occupation” as Mayor Watson of Ottawa deceitfully wanted to describe citizens defending their constitutional rights and freedoms.  

And the commissioner, a government appointee, can easily conclude that while the reasons varied somewhat, and improvement in reporting and co-ordination are necessary, the so-called experts all saw invoking the Emergency Act as necessary and therefore essentially whitewash the government’s decision. 

And that, fellow Canadians, is likely our fate or some version thereof concerning the constitution breaking, anti-science actions of our leaders of the four horsemen – government, pharma, big tech, and media/academia.  

And did you notice? The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which must be followed according to the Emergency Act itself is hardly mentioned. You know, things like individual freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of expression, life, liberty and security of the person, equality before the law.  

And how about “demonstrably justify” and “in a free and democratic society”, or “the Supremacy of God” and “the rule of law”, all concepts that are supposed to be considered before a Charter override is possible?